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Grated nettle


Nettle: A plant with an eternal history. From therapy to gastronomy, discover the world of nettle.

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Stinging nettle, widespread in Europe, is an annual, low plant with characteristic round, vivid green leaves and male and female flowers. This herb is used for therapeutic purposes, mainly against bleeding and uterine bleeding. The homeopathic tincture is made with stinging nettle, and its root produces a yellow color. In addition, the decoction of the plant changes color from yellow to green after being exposed to air. In the past, it was widely used in medicine, while the ancient Egyptians also incorporated its seeds into their diet.





50 gr, 200 gr, 500 gr

Instructions for use

  • For bleeding: In the past, for nosebleeds, a piece of cotton soaked in nettle juice was placed in the nostrils.
  • For polyuria: A mixture of 120 grams of nettle juice and one ounce of amber syrup was used to treat polyuria, taking 1-2 tablespoons every 1 hour.
  • For jaundice: Nettle root boiled with water was used against jaundice.
  • For urinary system problems: Nettle flowers and seeds were used for diarrhea and various urinary tract problems.
  • For nocturnal urinary incontinence in children: A folk recipe involved 15 grams of crushed nettle seeds, 60 grams of rye flour, water and honey to create a sweetened porridge that was given to children for 15-20 days.
  • For fevers: An infusion of nettle flowers in wine was used effectively in fevers.
  • For gangrene and ulcers: The leaves, pounded and mashed with a little salt, were used in the treatment of gangrene and ulcers.

It is important to note that the use of these methods is based on traditional knowledge and practices and is not a substitute for medical advice.




Stinging nettle, also known as stinging nettle, is a plant that was heavily used in traditional medicine as an anti-hemorrhagic agent. It is astringent, offering help in dealing with bleeding, uterine bleeding and other related problems. In the past, it was a favorite herbal remedy for many different blood conditions and diseases.

Many pharmacists and druggists consider stinging nettle and stinging nettle to have similar properties, as they are not always easy to distinguish when collecting them. However, there are also some differences between them. Also significant is the fact that dyes produced from stinging nettle are used in industry for coloring, and its oily seeds were widely used in ancient times, especially by the Egyptians. In addition, the well-known physician of antiquity, Dioscorides, described nettle as therapeutic for various skin problems and internal diseases.

*Note: The information about the benefits has been taken from books and other sources. Before using the herb you should ask your doctor, the same if you are already taking any medication.


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