Hemp protein powder 57% stands out as a unique source of protein, offering all the essential amino acids, high-quality omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and rich dietary fiber. Ideal for athletes, it protects muscles and joints, promotes heart and kidney health, improves digestion, and offers natural energy without side effects. Invest in your health with organic hemp protein powder, upgrading your well-being.
*Does not contain THC
Instructions for use
Dissolve 1-3 teaspoons in water or vegetable juice in the early afternoon or one hour after breakfast.
The benefits of hemp protein powder are many:
- It is an excellent source of plant-based protein with all 21 essential amino acids, including misidentified essential ones, that the body cannot produce on its own.
- It contains high-quality proteins such as albumin and edestin, which are easily absorbed and support muscle growth and tissue reconstruction.
- They are rich in antioxidants, especially isoflavones, which regulate hormones and fight free radicals.
- It can help reduce joint pain and inflammation due to the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, making it preferable for athletes and even active people.
- Its high fiber content promotes digestion and can help maintain weight.
- Incorporating hemp protein powder into your diet protects the heart and kidneys and can help stabilize blood sugar levels.
*Note: The information about the benefits has been taken from books and other sources. Before using the herb you should ask your doctor, the same if you are already taking any medication.
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