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Bukovo sweet


Bukovo sweet: Discover its mild sweetness and rich aroma. The ideal spice to enrich any recipe with color and taste.

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Buckwheat is a mild and aromatic spice that adds a rich color and mild sweetness to any dish. It consists of chopped red peppers and their seeds, offering a unique taste experience. Ideal for sauces, soups, stews, meats, and more, the bukovo sweet brings out the flavor of the ingredients, adding a warm, sweet and rich dimension. It is an essential ingredient in the preparation of traditional and modern recipes, offering a way to enrich your culinary creations with color and flavor





50 gr, 200 gr, 500 gr

Where should I use Bukovo sweet?

Buckwheat is a spice that can add a unique flavor to many dishes. While usually associated with its hot version, sweet bukovo offers a milder, almost fruity flavor with a hint of smokiness.

Where you can use bukovo sweet:

  • Meats:
    • Marinades: Buckwheat can be used in marinades for chicken, pork or fish, adding a sweet and smoky flavor.
    • Sauces: Add it to barbecue sauces or barbecue sauces for a more complex flavor.
  • Vegetables:
    • Roasted vegetables: Buckwheat sweet goes very well with roasted vegetables such as carrots, potatoes and aubergines.
    • Soups and stews: Add it to vegetable soups or stews for a richer taste.
  • Legumes:
    • Lentils, beans: Buckwheat can add a hint of sweetness and smokiness to lentils and beans.
  • Pasta sauces:
    • Arrabiata: It can be used in combination with cayenne pepper to create a more complex arabica sauce.
  • Salads:
    • Greek salad: Add some bokovo sweet to the Greek salad for a different taste.
  • Sweetness:
    • Fruit sauces: It can be used in fruit sauces, such as apples or pears.
  • Mustard: It can be added to homemade mustard for a more complex flavor.


  • When to add it: Add the bukovo sweet gradually, tasting the food as it cooks.
  • Combinations: It goes very well with garlic, onion, honey, vinegar, olive oil and other spices like cumin and coriander.
  • Storage: Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Examples of recipes:

  • Chicken marinated with sweet bukovo: Marinate chicken with olive oil, lemon, garlic, sweet onion and bake.
  • Lentils with sweet buckwheat: Add sweet potato to your lentils along with cumin and coriander for a richer flavor.
  • Sweet barbeque sauce: Make a barbeque sauce with tomato, vinegar, honey, sweet potato and other favorite spices.


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