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Horsetail: Herb rich in mineral salts, protects arteries, treats inflammation and strengthens immunity.

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Equizeto, also known as polycobi, is a herb that thrives in wet soils. It stands out for its intense rhizomes, with circular leaves that are an important component of the herb. Rich in minerals and silicates, it offers healing properties, protects arteries and fights inflammation. With use dating back to ancient Greek medicine, it is a reliable source of minerals and strengthens the immune system, promoting natural healing and general health.



50 gr, 200 gr, 500 gr

Instructions for use

Equisetum is used in various forms for therapeutic purposes. For wounds and ulcers, place the plant (either scalded or after it has been left to soften over boiling water) in wet warm cloths and apply to the wound. For an itchy rash, make compresses and washes with the abundant ointment of equiset.

For internal use, create an infusion using 1 teaspoon of equiset for every cup of water. In cases of bleeding, you can use 2-3 teaspoons of equiset for 1 cup of water. You can also take it in the form of a decoction for various health problems, such as digestive system problems, hemorrhoids, breathing problems and urological problems.

For hair, you can wash your hair with decoction of equiset and massage the scalp with olive oil. For half-baths, leave the horsehair in cold water to soak overnight. Boil it in the morning and add it to the bath water, staying in for 20 minutes so that the water covers the kidney area. Wrap yourself in a bathrobe and let yourself sweat.


Equiset is a treasure trove of metals. The silicon dioxide it contains helps in the absorption of calcium and prevents the deposition of lipids in the arteries. It is a powerful hemostatic, laxative, antidiabetic and antidiarrheal. In addition, it promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers and has positive effects on many ailments, such as inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, anemia, weakness of the digestive system, as well as moisture problems, hemorrhoids, external inflammations and herpes. It also prevents respiratory atherosclerosis, amnesia and cancer. Some claim that the daily consumption of equiset can reduce the pains of rheumatism, gout and neuralgia, offering a healthy and active lifestyle.

*Note: The information about the benefits has been taken from books and other sources. Before using the herb you should ask your doctor, the same if you are already taking any medication.


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