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Valeriana Rhizoma


Valerian Root: Natural sedative for deep and restorative sleep, reduces anxiety and stress, without side effects.

SKU: valerian-rhizome Category: Tags: ,
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Valerian Rhizoma is one of the most popular herbal supplements for promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. This herb comes from the root of the Valeriana officinalis plant, known for its powerful sedative and anti-anxiety properties. Valerian has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help treat insomnia, stress and various nervous disorders. Valerian rhizome contains a wealth of active ingredients, including valerenic acids, which help relax the nervous system and promote a restful and restful sleep. It is ideal for those looking for natural solutions to improve their quality of life, without the side effects of synthetic drugs.


50 gr, 200 gr, 500 gr





Valerian rhizome offers multiple health and wellness benefits:

  1. Improves sleep quality: Enhances the quality and duration of sleep, without causing a "hangover" the next day.
  2. It reduces anxiety and stress: Has calming properties that help reduce anxiety and stress.
  3. Treats insomnia: It is particularly effective in treating sleep disorders, such as insomnia.
  4. Improves digestion: May help relieve digestive problems such as bloating and gas.
  5. Relieves muscle pain: It has antispasmodic properties that can relieve muscle pain and cramps.
  6. Supports cardiovascular health: May help regulate blood pressure, thus contributing to better cardiovascular health.
    Enhances mental well-being: Helps reduce symptoms of depression and enhances general mental well-being.

*Note: The information about the benefits has been taken from books and other sources. Before using the herb you should ask your doctor, the same if you are already taking any medication.


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